Enter the Ferrett

IAN C FYVIE - The Facts

8 Skye Court

Telephone:- 01236-610340

D.O.B. :-30/06/51

NICKNAME :- "The Ferret" (Please don't ask!)

Career History

  1. Time served Fitter Welder

  2. Joined B.R as Train Catering Steward, Worked up to Circuit Group Manager ( Based at Edinburgh Waverley) Crowed Control Engineer (Night Club Bouncer)

  3. Security Controller at OKI Factory

Currently listed as disabled due to arthritis in both hip joints

My computer Set-up.

  1. Amiga 1200

  2. Apollo pro 030/40 mhz

  3. 12 meg Fast Ram

  4. 520 meg Ide Hard drive

  5. 4x Ide CD-Rom

  6. Acorn Colour monitor with internal stereo Speakers

  7. Canon BJC 250 Colour printer

  8. 2 External floppy drives

  9. Wizard 240v Power Box

  10. Power Greyscale hand Scanner

  11. Power Scanner/Printer switch box

  12. Mouse/Joystick Robo-switch

  13. Quick shot Steering wheel

  14. Set of foot pedals

  15. Wizard 560dpi 3 button mouse

  16. CD 32 Joypad

  17. Various joysticks & Mice

    Favourite Software

    1. ImageFX 2

    2. D.M.C. Gold (disk magazine creator)

    3. Personal Paint 7

    4. Draw Studio lite

    5. Pagestream 2 & 3

    6. D Opus 5

    7. Image studio 2.3

    8. Quarter back v7

    Favourite Games

    1. F1 GP- Updated with F1 GP Ed

    2. Shadow of the Third Moon

    3. High Sea Trader

    4. All Valhalla Series (Vulcan Software)

    5. Any Adventure type game.

    Computer History

    I first became interested in Computers when I bought a Spectrum zx for my children (They STILL have it). However after my Divorce, I introduced Ann's children to Computers by buying them a C64, So popular was this computer that I eventually bought another 2 of them, One for my children and another for myself.

    When I eventually had to stop work, I started to spend a lot of my time mucking around with the old 64, However by this time, games were hard to come by, And the tape deck was almost worn out. Ann, noticing that I was becoming frustrated by all this, bought a second hand Amiga 500 for a Christmas Present.

    Well I like most people,I fell in love with the 500, and started adding to it, However, The writing was on the wall, and I couldn't help notice that all the new Software was AGA. So with Ann's agreement I sold the 500 and bought my Current 1200. Since them 2 of Ann's children and all 4 of mine have become Amiga owners! Therefore in our Family we have 2x500, 1x600 and 4x1200's. YUP! Quite an Amiga Family!

    Computer Use

    Well sadly, Like an awful lot of people, I used the Amiga purely as a Games Machine, Not realizing the Hidden power in that little Cream box that I owned. However around 2 years ago I started writing to other Amiga users, And gradually gained the confidence to start trying other things!

    Now My Amiga is used for various tasks, including Desk Top Publishing, Printing Flyers, Posters, Letter heads, And Business cards for Friends and Family. I have released a disk into the Public Domain, Called COST-CUT- COOKING (A selection of cheap easy Recipe's) And have joined RAISING HELL PRODUCTIONS as Co-Editor of "THE RIPPER" Disk Magazine!

    Snippets of Ian

    Are you one of the Mad people who stayed up until Midnight to witness Prince Charles and Camillia emerge from their Date, To an Awaiting Barage of over 200 Photographers? NOT ME! Just what was the BIG Deal? I mean its not the first Date they had! Can there be anyone in the Country that didn't know He was seeing Her? The next day, The papers had a Six page spread about them, Photo's everywhere, Well I'm sorry, But as far as I could see, It looked more like Rod Hull (Minus the Emu) holding the Scottish Cup, No disrespect to Rod Hull here, But if he is not Camillia's Brother, He certainly should be, They're identical!

    Poor Glen Hoddle! I see he's in the S**t again! Poor man, Every time he opens his gob, he gets into trouble. Well Glen, I am Disabled, And frankly what you said didn't bother me one little bit! I mean in this day and age, people are entitled to their own view, and as we live in a Democratic Country, He is entitled to have his say. SO! Leave the Man alone, He is doing a great job for Scottish Football, I mean if it wasn't for him, All Us Scots would be jealous, Because of the Crappy Results our team gets, But at least now we are on a par with the rest of Britian!

    Favourite Hates

    Hairdressers! I absolutely hate anyone who has seen the back of my ears! I mean I can't see them, So why should they! What makes them so Bloody Privilaged?

    Aberdeen Football Club! For the Torture, And embarrassment they have put me through for the past three years, I'm tempted to think that the whole lot of them have SINNED in their past life!

    The National Lottery Draw, If I have to look at that sickly smile on the overfed Coupen of DALE WILTING again, I'll possibly Throw up over the TV. Why can't they just draw the bloody numbers and be done with it, Lets face it that is all we are interested in!

    Ok! this was in the last issue, But do they ever learn? NO! more people getting lost and killed.

    Maniac's who go mountain climbing, Get lost, And then expect others to go out in all weathers and rescue them! I mean, FOR CHRIST SAKE! There is only two directions on a flaming Mountain, UP or DOWN how the hell can you get lost?

    Well now that you have a better understanding of what makes IAN tick, I hope that you will continue to support this Magazine, And carry on reading my page in the "Ripper"

    Remember! You can write to me at any time I will be glad to hear from you and ALL letters will receive a reply!

    (Unless YOU are one of the above ;-)

    - = Ian = -